BarleyGreen Organic Young Barley Grass by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara

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BarleyGreen is planted in nutrition-rich, deep soil of Oxnard California. Wheatgrass can be grown in shallow soil; some years ago, it became popular to grow and harvest your own wheatgrass at home. What kind of nutrients are found there?


BarleyGreen is harvested and freeze dried immediately to preserve the nutrients found in the barley grass. Wheat grass and other barley products are dehydrated (meaning heated), killing a lot of the nutrients.


This is why BarleyGreen should not be mixed in hot fluids, but in room temperature or cold water or juice. For best results, please take 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.


How do I take BarleyGreen®?
BarleyGreen® is best taken on an empty stomach, either 20 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after so that its nutrients can be assimilated easily without the presence of other food. Make sure you use either cold or room temperature liquid, as hot liquid will break down the vital live natural enzymes.

Is BarleyGreen® organic?
Yes, it is certified organic.

Is it okay to take multi-vitamins with BarleyGreen®?
Yes, you can continue taking multivitamins while taking BarleyGreen®. BarleyGreen® is a whole food product which is derived from fresh barley grass and will not interfere with your multivitamins. In fact, the enzymes and phytochemicals in BarleyGreen® can assist with the assimilation of multivitamins.

What is the recommended dosage?
For children under 5 years old: ¼ to ½ teaspoon per serving
For older children: ½ to 1 teaspoon per serving
For teens and adults: 1 tablespoon per serving

Can I overdose on BarleyGreen®?
No, BarleyGreen® is a whole food derived from freshly squeezed barley grass. You can’t overdose on BarleyGreen®. It is equivalent to eating more fresh green vegetables.

Is BarleyGreen® good for losing weight?
Yes. BarleyGreen® has only 20 calories per serving and has an abundance of nutrients. If you are in a weight loss program, your body will benefit by taking BarleyGreen®. It provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and proteins, minus fat and with practically no calories.

Who is Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara?
Yoshihide Hagiwara, M.D., is the pioneer, founder and developer of the world’s most popular green juice drink, BarleyGreen®. Dr. Hagiwara is a world-renowned research pharmacologist, inventor, and entrepreneur who discovered firsthand that achieving and maintaining optimal health requires balanced whole food nutrition. Years ago, he became aware of the problems caused by modern medicine’s use of synthetic drugs and chemicals and vowed to dedicate his skills to finding the “perfect natural food”. After years of research on over 150 types of plants, he found that “young barley grass is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods in nature”. In order to capture and protect the delicate nutrients and enzymes in freshly harvested young barley grass, he developed a unique juice extraction and spray-dry process that earned him Japan’s prestigious Science and Technology Award. Dr. Hagiwara has dedicated his career to perfecting the ideal whole food supplement that has helped millions of people and regain their health to this day.

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